AmigaOS3.5 (485/967)

Date:16 May 2000 at 15:11:27
Subject:Re: dkbscsi.device

Yes I checked the NSDPatatch.cfg file (read the FAQ before I posted). There
is no listing for the dkbscsi.device. I was thinking of modifying one of
the other scsi.device listings to dkbscsi.device. Is that a bad idea?

Is FFS v44 the one that comes with OS3.5? If not, where do I get it? I
don't care if I have to reformat the drive.

What do you mean "Setpatch scsi NSDPatches installed"? I figure you mean a
line on the S-S or U-S, but do you have a syntax suggestion(s)?

Thanks for your help! I use the Amiga for making music, and will send free
midi files to anyone who wants them and can help me (if you really want some
and can't help me that's okay too--to a point).


> See the AmigaOS 3.5 FAQ at
> Also, you will need FFS v44 AND the Setpatch scsi NSDPatches installed to
> use >4Gb
> hard disks. Check the nsdpatch.cfg file to check if you controller is
> listed. Do
> NOT use old partitioning software as this will NOT work with 4Gb+ disks!
> Peter
> > Hello, I'm new to the list and OS 3.5. I have a 9 GB HD on
> > my A4000. It's
> > running on the Spitfire SCSI-2 controller from dkb. I was
> > able to partition
> > it using their "DKB RapidSet Install Disk" under OS 3.1.
> > Using 3 partitions
> > I could count on the fist two 4 Gig partitions but the third
> > usually came up
> > as "no dos". On OS 3.5 the second and third partitions
> > disappeared. After
> > a few attempts to use RapidSet and the Hard Disk Tool Box now
> > none of the
> > partitions appear. I have a CD-R drive that does show up on the
> > dkbscsi.device and when I run a program like the HDTool Box
> > the IBM hard
> > drive does show up as something I can partition, but the
> > partitions never
> > show up for formatting (on Workbench or Shell). Can you > >
> > suggest a solution?

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